Friday, March 12, 2010

Creme de Chamois

The best day on the bike is when you've accomplished something a little out of your normal range, your muscles feel a little fatigued and the every other part of your body feels great. Nothing like riding a bike can make you feel like this and nothing can make you feel like riding a bike like having a good chamois experience.

The Chamois Experience
Unless you are a W.O.M.B.A.T., there are always at least two things between you and your bike. The Saddle and the chamois. We will definitely take more time out to talk about shorts and chamois. But for now we're going to focus on your engagement with the bike.

The idea behind your behind is that the less amount of friction between you and the saddle the better. Firmer saddles, form fitting shorts and the right chamois are all going to help. Chamois creme can help too. If there is going to be friction (you are going to do a century) the abrasiveness can be minimized. If you've never used chamois creme and you can't find a sample either of these products would be worth ponying up for.

DZ Bliss

DZ Nuts after paying homage to David Zibriski's soft tissue decided to create a women's specific product. DZ Bliss combined all natural ingredients to give you a product that is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and of course anti-chaffing. It's not supposed to be "tingly" but it is for about 15 minutes (not like Assos, which is long and strong on the tingly). Because it is somewhat medicated by virtue of having Menthol, Tea Tree Oil, Chinese Evodia, Masterwort from the Swiss Alps and Vitamins it can help to eliminate existing skin irritations and prevent more. Retail $24.00



Made in Berkeley, Ca this chamois creme boasts itself as 100% vegan. While Betwixt shares some anti-chafing ingredients with DZ it feels like a no frills chamois creme. Basic and simple. Absolutely no tingling sensation and full of vitamins. Neither product has petroleum which will degrade your clothing and never wash out. Retail $22.00

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